Crying for help.

In the wake of the national tragedies that have been sweeping the nation these past days, the subject of mental health has come back to the surface. These terrible acts are committed by cowards, as we are told about how they cried out for help but were denied. They were shown the door too many times and the mental health professionals were unable to treat them. We collectively are at fault for not understanding.

I am tired of it.

Why is it the debate only comes up in a tragedy? Why is it that we are unable to show the care and affection that is needed in the moment and not after the fact? How can there be this much failure from so many people? Is it because we are not listening in the moments that matter? Are we not judging so many people that try and get help? I have seen too many people bullied for seeking the help that they need and it is not even second guessed. We have failed as a society twice.

First, we deny or attack those who need our help. Would you slap a child’s hand away from the railing as it struggled to stand up? Would you deny a diabetic who needs their insulin? Would you attack the person missing the leg that they don’t need the crutch and just need to suck it up and learn how to walk like the rest of us? How terrible it is that we do this to those who need help in their darkest times. When we tell the mom who needs an antidepressant, because she can’t understand why she can’t be happy with 2 kids, that she is failing as a mom. We look at the teen who cannot concentrate, because the neurons in the brain are firing too much, that he just is a lazy child who will be worthless. When someone needs therapy, the whole room gasps in shock and horror. Everyone whispers to themselves in secret at how horrible that person must be. The is the social normalcy we have created. We do not accept our failure as a society that has created this innate fear of speaking up that you need help.

Second, we blindly deny judgment that we could have done something to help them. We blame anything else, objects, movies, video games, technology, generational gaps, lack of family structure.  Has perfectionism reach this highest level that if you don’t get the perfect SAT score, ace that university exam, get the best paying job, it is just not worth living this life, or even I need to bring everything else down because that is all I have left. Anything less than perfection is not accepted. We blame politics and groups of people and everything else. The first part about fixing a problem is admitting we have a problem. However, everyone needs to admit that we are all at fault. Instead we are stuck shifting the blames from one another in an attempt to make ourselves not feel guilty.

Too much hurt has been caused in this environment that we live in. Accountability is at an all time low. Yours, mine, everyone. We need to make a change. Sometimes it can be a small act of kindness. Maybe you turn the other cheek and not say that snarky comeback. What are you doing to break the chain?

#hugapony my friends

There is no winning or losing.

I have been struggling with my mind as of recently. With all the negatives that I have faced these past few years, between illnesses and personal and mental issues, I have had a difficult time knowing how to respond. I find myself at some time during each day just wondering what I did to deserve this.

It is quite easy to say that I am just being bitter or focusing on the negative. Dwelling on the negative thoughts make they grow, this has been proven. I see trouble however when you have a mental illness that causes these negative thoughts and wrecks your emotional state. Fighting tooth and nail each day to remain positive or to be better is exhausting. When you add in me fighting my physical illness and a lot of judgement from other people who can’t see my sickness and you make for one depressing day.

In the midst of this hole that we end up in, it is no wonder we have the thoughts of “How have I messed up to end up here?” What mistakes are the ones that lead me to this day. How can I change? How can I be better? Why am I not better?

Why have I failed?

I am reminded of the attached quote from Star Trek. We see a hard truth. It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose. This is not fair and it hurts. This however is life. Finding ourselves caught in a hopeless situation happens. We can be, at times but not all the time, perfect in what we do. We can still lose. It can still turn out wrong for us. I see us in these situations and it is in these moments that we are defined as a person. Are we emboldened and push forward? Do we collapse and weep at how we were wronged? It shows us who we are to the world.

I am still here. I am still fighting. I still stand. I hope you agree as well.

#hugaplushie my friends.

The Month of Love

January was a rough month for me and mine. Between rounds of passing both versions of the flu around the house since December and trying to recover from the holiday break, I am exhausted. We are now in the second month of the year and romantic minds turn to love (along with most retail businesses who have had hearts up since New Years).

Last year I wrote every day for a full month on the importance of self care. I gave many examples of actions to take to show that YOU are special. To show someone very special they are important to you. Yourself. Learn to love and take care of yourself. I am sharing a link to the whole month for everyone. How many of these did you do? I would love to hear from anyone about how these worked for you.

The Self-care month.

Whenever I talk about how special people are and how much they are loved, I always remember Mr. Rogers. One of my very few heroes I look up too. This kind and gentle man showed everyone they were special.  He told the viewer every time on his show that they were special just the way they were. He told them he loved them. He had a genuine care for other humans. The impact of his life was felt by so many, myself included.

Looking around in the world today, we need more people to see the love and share the love. We need to tell more people we love them. We need more people to be told they are special.

I will gladly start.

If you are reading this, I want you to know that I love you. You are in this world and are a part of my life. This may be a one-sided conversation at the moment, but I want you to know that you are special to me. By being here, reading this, you have brought joy to my life. If we have known each other all my life, or we have never met, know that I think you are special, just the way you are.

Love yourself, and know I love you too, and now you have two people on your side. Go out and share that love. Show everyone the world is a better place with you in it.

Hug a plushie my friends.

Self care day 28:Self care Wrap-up

Its has been 27 days of self care tips. 10,000 words written to help those in need. I think my hand is starting to cramp with all of the typing I have been doing. I kept my promise and posted every single day in the month of February. I was so worried I would miss a day and it kept me up nights writing late into the mornings sometimes but I made it!

I am going to list all the post here, in case you missed any or want to share all of them with friends who may need them. I do thank you all for joining me on this incredible journey this month. I hoped I help someone out there. I will also be adding a tab on the main page for easy access.

Please feel free to comment, like, subscribe if you found this helpful. If you would like, I do take donations on the link on the side with Paypal (or bellow for you mobile readers).

Thank you all.

#hugapony my friends!

Self care Day 1: Valet parking

Self care day 2: Candy day

Self care day 3: Self mail

Self care day 4: Finding your towel

Self care day 5:Cookie monster

Self care day 6:Picnic Baskets

Self care day 7:Netflix and you

Self care day 8: Blackout

Self care day 9:Writing people

Self care day 10:Sharing Happiness

Self care day 11:Appetizing Friends

Self care day 12:Flower power

Self care day 13:Nothing

Self care day 14:Crown Jewels

Self care day 15:Something New

Self care day 16:Peace of body

Self care day 17:Pillow talk

Self care day 18:Loving yourself

Self care day 19:Sweeter things

Self care day 20:Cleansing

Self care day 21:Bedhead

Self care day 22:Celebrity status

Self care day 23:Bubble bath

Self care day 24:Culture

Self care day 25:Zoology

Self care day 26:Treat your body

Self care day 27:Inner Plushie

Self care day 27:Inner Plushie

Being this blog is dedicated to exploring Stuffed Therapy and finding ways to help people, it is fitting to set aside the last post before recap day to my favorite tool.

The Plushie.

The warm, soft stuffed bear, animal, alien or even a pet rock or worry stone can help you through those tough times. I cannot tell you how much my plush has helped me through tough times. Having a small plush on you through out the day can help put your mind at ease.

A totem to help you in the rough times.

I have a friend who attended one of my panels, who heard me speak on the subject. He immediately went out in the convention we were at and got himself a small plush. He was so excited that he got it, I was one of the first people he came and saw. I heard about him talking about it to all his friends. They came up to me and commented on how he was doing better because he had his plush.

I found out that he still has it on his desk even now several months later. It brings a smile to my face to see some good brought back into this world.

Even if it is in a small plush.

Knowing you have something at home that can bring some peace to you. Having the worry stone in your pocket to rub when times are stressful. Seeing the small plush Rainbow Dash on your purse. All of these things can bring you some peace of mind.

All of this self care, wrapped up in a soft, fluffy plush.

Or rock, if the case may be.

#hugaplushie my friends.

It is always a pleasure bring you more day to day posts. I will continue to do so until the end of February. Please make sure to comment, share and follow along as I share some simple things to better your life!

Self care day 26:Treat your body

Keeping with the self care, there is always a time to “Treat yo self” Parks and Rec style. Body upkeep can be something that we all need. We have covered a lot of post like this in the past month and there is a few more things we can do to help.

Manicures, Pedicures, facials all have one goal. They are there to make you look better. Find a time and Groupon a place to do them (find someplace good). I am a guy and I will admit to having these things done to me. A facial is VERY relaxing (like a massage for the face) and helps those tired eyes. I have no shame in saying that it was an awesome thing to try. Having your nails trimmed and taken care of makes your full body image go up. One of the things I notice when I meet someone and shake their hands is if they have clean nails or not.

It is an easy thing to do for yourself or you can “treat yo self”.

Haircuts/styling is again a wonderful way to improve your mental body image. While there are many salons for women, there has been a rise in specialty barbers for men as well. I have one friend who goes to his barber and he gets a beer every time for his trim. Another friend swears by getting a straight razor shave to trim the beard and having a hot towel on the face.

Find ways and places that can help improve your mental image of yourself. Getting yourself in a place where you are happy with you is so uplifting. Sometimes we all need a pick me up in the physical looks department. Help yourself by little easy changes that can be done.

Self improve the body to help self improve the mind.

#hugapony my friends

It is always a pleasure bring you more day to day posts. I will continue to do so until the end of February. Please make sure to comment, share and follow along as I share some simple things to better your life!

Self care day 25:Zoology

I will spare my readers the pain of another bad joke with play on words that I did yesterday. I am not sure if I could “bear” the thought of another bad pun. But zoos are fantastic places to be for self care.

Getting some sun, along with some vitamin D, is enjoyable. Planning a day to take a trip to visit some place for fun is not an everyday occurrence, but with can be done with relatively simple ease. And while not everyone has a Disney World or Times Square nearby, we do have zoos in most metropolitan areas.

Theses are no more than a day tip for most of us.

Getting back into nature and seeing wildlife can be awe inspiring. Seeing up close creatures that you normally only see on TV or the small screen of your phone brings them to live in so many ways. TV cannot capture how truly intense a lion’s roar or how adorably cute otters are in person.

Getting out into the fresh air also gives life back to you.

While I know this is not all people, I personally find knowledge fascinating and the study of animals is not an area at which I excel. My daughters can name more animals than I can count at this point and my youngest is caught up in them, she has corrected me a few times on my misinformation. Taking them to the zoo was the natural progression in this post Steve Irwin sadden world.

Seeing awe on their faces was a fantastic thing. I was really enjoying taking them along and going to the different padlocks. Having them get next to the glass with a tiger was enjoyable (for me, they were slightly worried about how thick that glass was). Being able to feed the giraffes was also enjoyable, if somewhat slimy experience.

It was a wonderful break from life.

Breaking up the monotony of the work week/month/year can be key to enjoy life more. You find things or ways to inspire you to do more than just sit at home and watch TV. When you find yourself in this busy world looking a bit lost, take a break. Find a break.

Stop a human doing.

Be a human being.

#hugapony my friends.

It is always a pleasure bring you more day to day posts. I will continue to do so until the end of February. Please make sure to comment, share and follow along as I share some simple things to better your life!

Self care day 24:Culture

Bacteria is something found in on almost everything in life. We have millions of them in bodies, they are used in science each and every day, and are some the most basic life to study. Growing bacteria is such a simple basic science experiment that we have kits sold to grow these Petri dishes of culture at home.

Though, for this next post you will have to leave home for some culture. *

Finding out about different cultures has been fascinating to me. Seeing the simple differences in thing such as buying milk in a gallon jug or milk in a bag to even more advance thing as another’s language or the fact you never put chopsticks straight up in your fried rice. There is so much to learn about our fellow humans.

Who needs aliens when you have us?

I was homeschooled all my life until college. My mother did a fantastic job teaching us all the basics that myself and my siblings excelled. When it came to history, she let us decide what to study and prepared unit studies to help us along with them. Medieval times? We built castles out of Lego and what was the meaning of why castle stairs are spiraled in a certain way (it is so a defender would be able to swing a sword with their right hand and the center column would not be in their way, and conversely be in the way of an attacker). We did native American studies and learned more about some of my family history and the tribes we had ties. I learned to use chopsticks at a young age of 6 because we learned of China’s great history. So much culture and history to be learned.

So how does this help us.

I look around and see so many flyers and posts about local heritage festivals that go on in our community. I see so much life and passion in them. People celebrating their family ties. Enjoyment and enrichment to be had at every turn. I, myself, attended Oktoberfest with some of my German ancestry coming out. I was out learning more about myself.

Who I was.

Where I came from.

Knowledge is power they say.

Power to help yourself.

Power to take better care of yourself.

#hugapony my friends.

It is always a pleasure bring you more day to day posts. I will continue to do so until the end of February. Please make sure to comment, share and follow along as I share some simple things to better your life!

*This terrible pun/segue is one I could not pass up. The science geek in me is giggling like mad.

Self care day 23:Bubble bath

I remember bath time as a child. It was fun getting soapy water and making towers of bubbles that represented mountains or icebergs as my toys would have grand adventures throwing rings into fiery mountains or crashing ships into icebergs. It was a fantastic time of fun and enjoyment. Now, with my own kids, I get to provide them with the same fun and enjoyment. Barbies are in a gigantic size hair salon or ponies get to dash through mountains of snow on grand adventures throwing rings into fiery mountains (these are MY kids for sure).

There was revels to be had in bath time.

As a guy, baths are not something we often take. Showers, yes but baths are not that common place for us in American society. In this day and age, a full sized bathtub is hard to come by for either sex and is not in your average apartment. Showers remain supreme in the space as the quicker, easier option for getting ourselves clean. While we may enjoy the hot water steaming up the bathroom, I feel that we as a society are missing out on some very important self care.

I was in a lot of body pain a couple months ago and while shopping I saw a sale on Epson Salt. I had remembered that it could be used not only to clean you out internally, but also as a wonderful bath for tired feet or as a full body remedy. I picked some up and commented to my wife that it was something I wanted to try. She eyed me asking, “You? Take a bath?” I replied the affirmative and she eyed me some more but didn’t say out loud the loud judgment call of “girly” at me.

I got home and poured myself a bath in a bathtub half the size of what is necessary for a man my size and measured out the number of cups and I plunged in (so to speak). I was greeted by warm water that soothed aching muscles and sore joints.

Heaven was a bit closer to me in that time.

I implore you, if you have not tried a nice soothing bath since childhood, you should revisit this common luxury that is passed over. Time of peace and quiet would help the mind, the water help the body.

And with both of those together, they could help the soul.

Full body self care.

#hugapony my friends.

It is always a pleasure bring you more day to day posts. I will continue to do so until the end of February. Please make sure to comment, share and follow along as I share some simple things to better your life!

Self care day 22:Celebrity status

I have had the fortunate opportunity to meet a few celebrities in my day. Working conventions as I do gives me the ability to bump into someone who ranks on the famous list. Most of these interactions are quite enjoyable and I can say that I am now personal friends with a few. I manage to meet and work with these people with a straight, professional face and treat them like I do with everyone else.

I might be giggling like mad in my mind however…

I love seeing famous people working with fans. When some of us in the convention circuit get together and tell stories, we all seem to know who cares for their fans. We see them talk and engage with them. They see someone light up and just start giggling like mad. Others seem to almost faint and just melt into the floor.

I might have had a hand or two in helping said fans meet people and I smile at their reactions.

My eldest daughter dressed as Harley Quinn (original Harley) for Halloween this past year. She was so proud of getting the details correct and making sure that the makeup was correct. I was a proud geeky parent taking her picture and seeing her happy. I took the snap shot and of course posted it up on my social media to show the world how wonderful she was.

I also tagged Tara Strong (voice of Harley Quinn) on my twitter

She liked the photo.

I was giggling and showed my daughter who then joined her dad in silent awe that she would like the photo.

I know that most celebrities are on social media now days. I see them respond to people and think to myself “Why don’t more people just ask a question or see if they can get a response?” I ask you, have you ever taken the time to just say “Thank you” to someone famous and see if they respond? Written them a letter saying how much of a fan you are?

They might even respond back.

Maybe you will feel as special as my daughter and I did.

#hugapony my friends.

It is always a pleasure bring you more day to day posts. I will continue to do so until the end of February. Please make sure to comment, share and follow along as I share some simple things to better your life!